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Factmaps/FactMapsED50UTM32 (OGCFeatureServer)

ID: 1028
prlNpdidLicence: 2786350
prlName: 315
prlAreaPolyStratigraphical: YES
prlAreaPolyDateValidFrom: 2004-06-18T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyDateValidTo: 2009-08-20T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyNationCode: NO
prlAreaPolyBlockName: 9/5
prlAreaPolyPolyNo: 12
prlAreaPolyPolyArea: 11
prlAreaPolyVertLimEn: Applies to all levels below 200 meteres below the Jurassic where Triassic is present, and all levels below base Jurassic where the Triassic is not present.
prlAreaPolyVertLimNo: Gjelder for alle nivåer nedenfor 200 meter under bunn jura der trias er tilstede, og alle nivåer under bunn jura der trias ikke er tilstede.
prlAreaPolyFromZvalue: 50
prlAreaPolyToZvalue: 100
cmpLongName: ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Norway AS
prlAreaDateUpdated: 2025-01-29T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyGUID: 30713A3D-A16C-404C-A380-26D9746C30D0
SHAPE.STArea__: 0.0016666666500000005
SHAPE.STLength__: 0.16666666600000002
Polygon: [...]