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Factmaps/FactMapsWGS84 (OGCFeatureServer)

ID: 4786
prlNpdidLicence: 3809011
prlName: 274 BS
prlAreaPolyStratigraphical: YES
prlAreaPolyDateValidFrom: 2005-12-13T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyDateValidTo: 2010-12-13T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyNationCode: NO
prlAreaPolyBlockName: 1/3
prlAreaPolyPolyNo: 1
prlAreaPolyPolyArea: 74
prlAreaPolyVertLimEn: Applies to the Ekofisk Formation of Danian age and levels below.
prlAreaPolyVertLimNo: Gjelder for Ekofisk formasjonen av Dan alder og alle nivÄene under
prlAreaPolyFromZvalue: 50
prlAreaPolyToZvalue: 100
cmpLongName: BG Norge AS
prlAreaDateUpdated: 2022-12-12T00:00:00
prlAreaPolyGUID: DB69DD88-0E2E-43A1-9CD6-CFA4312494D3
SHAPE.STArea__: 0.010834010500948848
SHAPE.STLength__: 0.5333485211052437
Polygon: [...]