Active exploration wellbores (203)
| Wildcat |
| Appraisal |
| Appraisal-CCS |
| Wildcat-CCS |
Exploration wellbores (204)
| 0 |
| Dry |
| Oil |
| Gas |
| Shows |
| Oil/Gas |
| Gas/Condensate |
| Not available |
| <all other values> |
Development wellbores (205)
| Production-oil |
| Production-gas |
| Production-gas/condensate |
| Production-water |
| Production-not available |
| Production-not applicable |
| Observation |
| Injection-gas |
| Injection-cuttings |
| Injection-water |
| Injection-CO2 |
| Injection - not available |
| Injection-not applicable |
| <all other values> |
CO2-storage wellbores (207)
Other wellbores (206)
Wellbores, all (201)
Facilities, in place (304)
| Surface |
| Subsurface |
Facilities, not in place (306)
| Removed |
| Future |
All facilities (307)
| Surface |
| Subsurface |
Pipelines (311)
| Oil |
| Gas |
| Oil/gas |
| Condensate |
| Other pipelines |
Seismic surveys, pending (403)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Seismic surveys, planned (404)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Seismic surveys, ongoing (405)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Seismic surveys, paused (406)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Seismic surveys, cancelled (407)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Seismic surveys, finished (421)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
EM surveys, pending (409)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
EM surveys, planned (410)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
EM surveys, ongoing (411)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
EM surveys, paused (412)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
EM surveys, cancelled (413)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
EM surveys, finished (422)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, pending (415)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, planned (416)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, ongoing (417)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, paused (418)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, cancelled (419)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
Other surveys, finished (423)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
All surveys (420)
| Gross area |
| Net area |
| 2D lines |
Sample point (459)
| Unknown |
| Hydrothermal |
| Hydrothermal - Sulphide |
| Hydrothermal - Non-sulphide |
| Manganese crust |
| Magmatic rock |
| Magmatic rock - Basalt |
| Magmatic rock - Ultramafic rock |
| Sediment |
| Sedimentary rock |
| Biological |
| Other |
Survey line (460)
| AUV |
| CTD |
| ROV |
| Ship |
| <all other values> |
Survey area (461)
Survey subarea (462)
Field by status (502)
| In production |
| Approved for production |
| Shut down |
Discovery, active - by HC type (503)
| Olje |
| Gass |
| Olje m/Gass |
| Gass/Kondensat |
Discovery, history - by HC type (505)
| Olje |
| Gass |
| Olje m/Gass |
| Gass/Kondensat |
Discovery, all - by main HC type (504)
| Olje |
| Gass |
| Olje m/Gass |
| Gass/Kondensat |
APA gross (603)
APA gross hst (619)
APA open (604)
| Stratigraphic |
| Full |
APA open hst (620)
| Stratigraphic |
| Full |
BAA - Business arrangement area - current with geometry (606)
BAA - Business arrangement area, all (607)
AFEX - Area Fee Exemption, all - current with geometry (609)
AFEX - Area Fee Exemption, all (610)
CO2 licence - current with geometry (626)
CO2 licence, all (627)
Production licence, current - stratigraphic (612)
Production licence, all - stratigraphic (613)
Production licence, all - current by operator (614)
| A/S Norske Shell |
| ABP Norway AS |
| Aker BP ASA |
| Chrysaor Norge AS |
| ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
| DEA Norge AS |
| DNO Norge AS |
| DNO North Sea (Norge) AS |
| Equinor Energy AS |
| ExxonMobil E&P Norway AS |
| INPEX Idemitsu Norge AS |
| KUFPEC Norway AS |
| MOL Norge AS |
| Neptune Energy Norge AS |
| OMV (Norge) AS |
| Petrolia NOCO AS |
| ORLEN Upstream Norway AS |
| Repsol Norge AS |
| Sval Energi AS |
| TotalEnergies EP Norge AS |
| Vår Energi ASA |
| Wellesley Petroleum AS |
| Wintershall Dea Norge AS |
| <all other values> |
Production licence, current - by block and operator (615)
| A/S Norske Shell |
| ABP Norway AS |
| Aker BP ASA |
| ConocoPhillips Skandinavia AS |
| DEA Norge AS |
| DNO Norge AS |
| DNO North Sea (Norge) AS |
| Equinor Energy AS |
| ExxonMobil E&P Norway AS |
| Harbour Energy Norge AS |
| INPEX Idemitsu Norge AS |
| KUFPEC Norway AS |
| MOL Norge AS |
| Neptune Energy Norge AS |
| OMV (Norge) AS |
| Petrolia NOCO AS |
| ORLEN Upstream Norway AS |
| Repsol Norge AS |
| Sval Energi AS |
| TotalEnergies EP Norge AS |
| Vår Energi ASA |
| Wellesley Petroleum AS |
| Wintershall Dea Norge AS |
| <all other values> |
Production licence, all - current with geometry (616)
Production licence, all (617)
Licence - Documents (658)
| Report |
| Attachment |
Announced blocks (618)
sedimentboundaries (706)
Faults and boundaries (702)
| Oceanic magnetic anomaly |
| Boundary of Tertiary lavas ("Inner flows") |
| Faults |
| Other Geological Boundaries |
| Subcrop of base Cretaceous below Quarternary |
| Subcrop of top Basement below Quarternary |
| other |
Structural elements (704)
| Cretaceous High |
| Deep Cretaceous Basin |
| Marginal Volcanic High |
| Palaeozoic High in Platform |
| Platform |
| Pre-Jurassic Basin in Platform |
| Shallow Cretaceous Basin in Platform |
| Terraces and Intra-Basinal Elevations |
| Volcanics |
Domes 1997 (705)
Quadrants (803)
Blocks (802)
Sub areas (804)
Areastatus (805)
| Lov om mineralvirksomhet på kontinentalsokkelen (havbunnsmineralloven) |
| Lov om petroleumsvirksomhet [petroleumsloven] |